A Division of Lord Baltimore Uniform

National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI)

The National Floor Safety institute is a non-profit organization that performs testing, research and education in an effort to prevent slip and fall accidents.

Slip and Fall Facts

  1. Falls occur in nearly all manufacturing and service sectors. No one is immune from falling.
  2. Falls are the leading cause of hospital emergency room visits accounting for 21% of ER visits.
  3. Slips and falls are the leading cause of lost days from work.
  4. 85% of worker’s compensation claims are attributed to employees slipping on slick flooring.
  5. Flooring is a direct contributor to at least 2 million fall injuries annually.


High Traction Mats

Baltimore Washington Mat Service uses Mountville Mills mats and matting. The following products are NFSI certified and have been rigorously tested in the laboratory as well as in real world applications. Having met NFSI’s minimum acceptable level of slip resistance, these mats were classified as “High-Traction” mats:

Baltimore Washington Mat Facts

Different types of flooring materials have different properties. Hard, shiny flooring is almost always slippery when it is wet. A carpeted mat or rubber mat will provide more friction or traction than polished concrete, marble, tile, or finished hardwood floors. It is usually not feasible to replace the flooring. In these cases, mats and runners are excellent alternatives and can reduce the risk of a slip and fall accident or injury. Different mats serve different purposes. At an entryway companies will place a rough rubber mat outside the doorway to remove debris, such as mud or leaves, from an individual’s shoes. An absorbent type of mat designed to trap moisture can be placed inside of the door. Water fountains/coolers, lunch rooms, ice machines, rest rooms and coffee stations pose obvious hazards. Mat solutions work.

37 East Baltimore Street Baltimore, MD 21224

410.276.7681 (FAX)